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Deduct Shipping and Handling for Online Purchases?

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  • Deduct Shipping and Handling for Online Purchases?

    I wasn't able to find this by searching threads, so, does anyone know if you can deduct the shipping costs of items you buy for the daycare online? I know we can include sales tax, but now I'm wondering about shipping costs. If so, do we just include it as part of the item price, or keep a separate category for shipping expenses? For example, if I buy a toy online for $5, and shipping is $5, and tax is $0.40, do I consider this item's cost to be $10.40?

  • #2
    Originally posted by earlystart View Post
    I wasn't able to find this by searching threads, so, does anyone know if you can deduct the shipping costs of items you buy for the daycare online? I know we can include sales tax, but now I'm wondering about shipping costs. If so, do we just include it as part of the item price, or keep a separate category for shipping expenses? For example, if I buy a toy online for $5, and shipping is $5, and tax is $0.40, do I consider this item's cost to be $10.40?
    In my opinion, I can't see why not. It is still an expense for your business.


    • #3
      I do. I include it as part of the cost of the item.


      • #4
        I include shipping as the cost of getting the item to your daycare, just like you could include mileage if you drove to get the object.


        • #5

          Originally posted by earlystart View Post
          I wasn't able to find this by searching threads, so, does anyone know if you can deduct the shipping costs of items you buy for the daycare online? I know we can include sales tax, but now I'm wondering about shipping costs. If so, do we just include it as part of the item price, or keep a separate category for shipping expenses? For example, if I buy a toy online for $5, and shipping is $5, and tax is $0.40, do I consider this item's cost to be $10.40?
          Shipping costs are part of the cost of the item, so count it as $10.40.

