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MMK and Recording Time When Children Are Not In Care

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  • MMK and Recording Time When Children Are Not In Care

    I know that we can record times that we do things outside of business hours like cleaning, meal prep., internet activity etc...
    Does anyone know if we can we record the times as an average for the week or do we have to record minute by minute each day?

    For instance, I have been averaging about 3 hours of cleaning a week so I recorded 3 hours for the dates of September 13-19th and recorded it that way, not day by day. I have been recording like this all year and hope we can do this! If not I'm screwed...
    Last edited by melilley; 09-20-2013, 09:50 AM. Reason: typo

  • #2
    I do it the same way as you; I also use a clock in/out program for myself so that I have records JIC! It is also helpful for the time/space % as well.


    • #3
      Recording hours

      Originally posted by melilley View Post
      I know that we can record times that we do things outside of business hours like cleaning, meal prep., internet activity etc...
      Does anyone know if we can we record the times as an average for the week or do we have to record minute by minute each day?

      For instance, I have been averaging about 3 hours of cleaning a week so I recorded 3 hours for the dates of September 19-13th and recorded it that way, not day by day. I have been recording like this all year and hope we can do this! If not I'm screwed...
      If you are using Minute Menu Kids Pro you will record hours by a range of days in a month. The software will total the hours by month. You don't need to worry about recording hours by day if you are doing it by week. I've written an article about this:


      • #4
        I do what you do and record them all together except that I record them monthly based by activity (record keeping, internet, interviews etc). All I do is make sure that I log my activities in my planner each day and then at the end of the month I count everything all up and enter it. I keep my planner and put it in the file with all of the tax paperwork so that if I ever get audited I can prove where I got my numbers from by showing them my planner.

