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Has Anyone Gotten Their Tax Return Yet?

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  • Has Anyone Gotten Their Tax Return Yet?

    We turned in all our information to our accountant and it was completed 2 weeks ago but we were told that the IRS hasn't released the depreciation form for 2012, therefore holding up our return for up to a month!

    If anyone else has gotten their return back already, please let me know.

    I need to know if this is correct information.


  • #2
    I think it is sometime in March before that form is ready. Something about the fiscal cliff I think


    • #3
      I was told it should be released February 28th.

      Either way, they're collecting more interest on MY money and now they want to keep it longer?! Gotta love the government! GRRR


      • #4
        When I saw Tom at a meeting in January, it was March. But now looking at his blog, it's Feb. 10. I still haven't had a chance to get mine in and I *think* we might owe, so I'm in no hurry


        • #5
          I havn't even turned my stuff in yet since I'm waiting for the webinar with all of the tax changes for 2012. I was hoping that once that was over and I rechecked all of my paperwork that I could turn it in and get my stuff processed. I didn't even know there was a hold on the taxes


          • #6
            One of my daycare mamas know a few people that has received theirs back. Now they aren't in the childcare business (not sure what they do) but they already have gotten theirs.
            Each day is a fresh start
            Never look back on regrets
            Live life to the fullest
            We only get one shot at this!!


            • #7
              It was just the depreciation form on hold, so if you aren't depreciating anything, then you could file and get back. I need to get the rest of my stuff around-I hate tax time. I also hate trying to find the time to drop it off. The office I go to technically closes at 5pm, but the accountant is there late at night working.....good thing I got connections and can drop off after hours


              • #8
                My accountant tried filing mine today. No go. Not sure why...


                • #9
                  Form 4562

                  The IRS has started processing tax returns that contain the depreciation Form 4562 as of February 10th. See my article:

                  Join me for a webinar “2012 Tax Changes: How to Avoid Mistakes on Your Tax Return” Tuesday, February 12th at 8:30-10:00pm Eastern Time. The cost is $25 (100% tax deductible!). To register:


                  • #10
                    Mine is being held up over the 8863, the college education credits. Or so says TaxAct.


                    • #11
                      College credits

                      Originally posted by Angelsj View Post
                      Mine is being held up over the 8863, the college education credits. Or so says TaxAct.
                      The IRS has announced that they will start processing tax returns with Form 8863 as of February 14th.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TomCopeland View Post
                        The IRS has announced that they will start processing tax returns with Form 8863 as of February 14th.
                        Thank goodness. They have been sitting there since Jan 25th.

