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MMK Question

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  • MMK Question

    I spent i dont know how long entering from april to dec the hours and meals and then did some of my utilities... the utilities show up in reports but all the hours dont but if i go back to the area to log them in again they are all checked and accounted for.... is there something i am doing wrong? I have the trial versian i guess again. I logged in when they had the free demo for dec and updated the program to newer versian. I have 22 days left. I need to buy program and am planning on it . but where is my info ? any one else have any problems?

  • #2
    Go into "accounting", "Time-space percentage", then calculate each months hours by attendance records (previous year arrow, top left).

    Once you approve it, it should show up in reports everywhere else.
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      I had problems getting mmk to report accounting information today. It only was showing the income for four of my parents out of fourteen. The W10s were not accurate. I have put in a request to support for help and will let you know what they say.
      I see little people.


      • #4
        When I went to time space I only had hours for three months .. so then I go back and look at hours put in and i have them in there. ;(


        • #5
          I got it now.. I didnt realize I had to click the one button and it would take it from attendance!! THANK YOU SO MUCH I thought iwas gonna have to log it all in again ..wheww

