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Business Name

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  • Business Name

    My county told me I do not need to register my dba business name as they also do not required a business license. So, what if another person takes my business name, will I be forced to stop using it or worse; taken to court?

    I'm also working with Advocap and they gave me a site for registering a trademark/tradename, but I don't have a per se 'trademark'. Would I still use this form for my business name? I am so confused about this:confused: Any help??

  • #2
    Maybe Tom Copeland will add to this. I would get the DBA. It does not cost much and you're are "Doing Business As" a name right? Try getting a service mark if you have a logo with your business name instead of a trademark. Its cheaper but I would say the DBA is all you need for the time being and it will protect you if you have a common business name that someone else might use in your county. I think showing a DBA would be beneficial when doing your taxes since you shows the IRS and state more proof that you are running a business IMO.

    I once got a DBA for for my company at the time "Powwow Productions" and wouldn't you know that someone was using the same name but didn't have a DBA. They had to write me and ask permission to use it.


    • #3
      Business Name

      Originally posted by 1vs7omg View Post
      My county told me I do not need to register my dba business name as they also do not required a business license. So, what if another person takes my business name, will I be forced to stop using it or worse; taken to court?

      I'm also working with Advocap and they gave me a site for registering a trademark/tradename, but I don't have a per se 'trademark'. Would I still use this form for my business name? I am so confused about this:confused: Any help??
      Although you are not required to register your business name, it's a good idea to do so. Registering a business name does not guarantee that someone else won't use it, but it will discourage others from doing so. Talk to your secretary of state's office about how to protect your business name. Don't use the trademark form, it has nothing to do with your business name.


      • #4
        Thank you. I will go to the government building again on Monday and talk to them about registering my name.

