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Naptime Music?

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  • Naptime Music?

    I'm thinking something quiet, musical; right now I don't play music during quiet time but thought it might help calm down a couple of twitchy non-nappers. Any suggestions for CD's?

  • #2
    An oldie but goodie, still available
    Hap Palmer - Sea Gulls ... Music for Rest & Relaxation

    You can listen to sample cuts here:

    My favorite songs from this are Savannah and Misty Canyon And I've been listening to this since the 80s


    • #3
      I lite not zen gardens on pandora. I have Apple TV and stream it from my TV during nap time.

      It's free and I live it.


      • #4
        Some of our very favorite nap CDs:
        Martha Stewart Baby: Sleepytime.
        Now the Day Is Over.
        Rock All Day Rock All Night.
        G'Night Wolfgang.
        African Lullaby.


        • #5
          the spa channel in the chill section on slacker radio or relaxation music on pandora. i use both free versions. slacker has waaaaaayyyyyy less commercials


          • #6
            we play a channel on TV that sounds like orchestra or zen singing, just slow easy tunes, not very loud.


            • #7
              You should check out some Emily wells songs. I've used some of her songs in the past before for an infant room

              Emily, Wells, Symphony, Dreams, Memories, Heaven, The, Symphonies:, Parties, Beautiful, Sleepyhead, Laughing, Yaks, Dirty, Trip, Hop, Trip-Hop


              • #8
                White noise is my favorite. Rain, fan sounds, etc. But I've also turned the TV on to CNN and they passed out immediately. ::


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                  I'm thinking something quiet, musical; right now I don't play music during quiet time but thought it might help calm down a couple of twitchy non-nappers. Any suggestions for CD's?
                  I use Spotify. It's online for free. There is a ton of 'sleep' play lists available. Acoustic, nature sounds, white noise etc. I just pit on whichever one looks good and it definitely helps the kids sleep longer and harder


                  • #10
                    I like the Rockabye Baby! CDs because, while no one sings on the CD, I can sing along to the songs in my head. The Green Day one is my current favorite.

                    A lot of the other classrooms at my center play classical music during naptime.

