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What Is Age Appropriate?

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  • What Is Age Appropriate?

    My dcg is a few days past 2. She is smart as a whip, and we do a lot of casual things with colors, counting, and have started some with the alphabet. I really hadn't planned on doing anything organized for a few months. I'm of the opinion that every moment is a learning moment-it doesn't have to be crammed down their throat. They only have 4 years to be free before full day pre-K takes over their childhood. (Sorry, soapbox moment.)

    Anyway, dcm is planning to start dd in pre-K when she is just 2 weeks past 4 years old and is already worried that she will be the youngest and will be behind. She wants me to start some serious teaching, name, letters, numbers, flash cards. Flash cards!!! She's 2!! I just don't think it is appropriate yet. But, I'm not an expert on this age. All of my experience has been with late 3 and 4 year olds and up. And even that was 40 years ago.

    I don't want to be stodgy and I also don't want to push this baby. So, what activities are appropriate for a 24 month old? I have tons of ideas, I don't so much need themes or ideas, I need a broad outline. When do I start letters? When do I start sorting or sequencing? The little I've done so far just went right over her head and her 3 minute attention span. Can you recommend a book that gives step by step "first you teach this, then you teach that, then add in this." As I said, I don't need activities to teach sequencing, just to know when to do it.

    I have to do this. I have the time since I only have 2 kids now, and I like to teach, I just don't want to push her when she isn't ready. Or am I once again over-thinking the whole thing?

  • #2
    I would be stressing to the mom that at this age it's more important to master socially, emotionally, developmentally, learn self help skills, coping skills, and so on.

    The child can not Learn in kindy if they are still trying to master the above skills mentioned.

    I play games with my 2's and I even have one that is 2 years 4 months that can even sound out letters of a word.

    I can show you a picture of what the young ones do with our letter cards and toys.

    PM me
    Last edited by Michael; 08-26-2012, 03:46 PM.


    • #3
      We talk about that a lot, and I thought we were on the same page. She knows about half of the alphabet song, counts to 10 reliably and 15 most of the time. She knows several colors, shapes. She shares, gets along well with kids, and is pretty independent. But she's 2 and still has a lot of work to do in the social/emotional areas. And we like to play. I never have more than 3 kids, and we like to play. We hop (and count our hops), we drink out of the blue cup, we put our left arm in and our left arm out. We haven't mastered socks yet, or shoes.

      But, we will keep working on that and add in other skills in whatever way I find to make it fun. I just want to do it in the right order so I don't confuse her.


      • #4
        Tell mom that's why she's going to pre-k, to learn those things! Tell her she is very bright and still has lots of time to learn what she needs to do well in pre- k. I've taught pre-k and kindergarten. What you have described is not developmentally appropriate for a 2 yr. old!

