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Are We Doing Enough??

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  • Are We Doing Enough??

    I am just starting out.

    These are the ages of my dck right now...

    21 months, 15 months, and 3 - 3 year olds.

    I bought a Christian curriculum and we take a few ideas from it but basically our day consists of....

    Outdoor play

    Some resemblance of center time (blocks - different sizes, books, home living - play kitchen, dramatic play - dress up and instruments, manipulatives - puzzles, lacing and magnetic bulletin board with letters/animals).

    We are a big arts/crafts house too. At least one messy art a day (shaving cream, finger painting. etc.) and then constant access at welcome time, after snacks/meals, and before pick up to coloring/drawing supplies, stamps, etc.

    We also cook at least once a week (mini pizzas, cookies, muffins, etc.).

    I read outloud to the group a couple of times a day and if they are in a sitting mood I'll read more than usual and really use that time as a learning opportunity to point out items, colors, count, etc.

    It's just that we have one small playroom and one huge one on our second foor and that is where all the "center" toys are and then when we are downstairs it's meals, arts/crafts and outdoor play. I just don't feel my center time has any structure and is just free play. But hey are playing and learning and I will present certain items/toys to them to try out.

    Any advice, ideas??

  • #2
    are they having fun? engaging in each other and do you hear more giggling than whining???? those are my indicators. Remember, children learn best through daily play and interactions. Have fun,... and I can almost bet they will grasp what you offer and run with it. =-)


    • #3
      LaundryDutchess is on the money!
      In general, I am a big fan of free choice, as long as you keep an eye on the mood of the group. Always be ready to switch gears at any moment, and have something ready to offer if things get too loose.
      Free choice also works well if you don't put every choice out there all the time. Rotate your offerings often, and that can be done using your weekly themes or whatever your group is learning about at the time. This will keep them interested longer.
      Center time does not need to be on a schedule. Some kids want to to this, others want that, etc... This is the time where the learning that is going on is mostly social.
      Parents just want to know that you aren't just 'babysitting'. It sounds like you are doing just fine.


      • #4
        I used to have a much more structured care. Mostly, due to one of my dc kids really needing that structure. I found that they were unable to make choices and decisions on thier own if left to have "free play".

        They would start asking ME what can we do or play, etc. It was so sad. Now, I have the curriculum planned, activities planned, but I leave a lot of free play with props that support the curriculum. They have so much fun and learn so much (children learn a lot from play). I still do pre-K from 9-11am and then review after nap/snack around 4pm. Times may vary. But they have plenty of time to just play and learn how to play and have an imagination. It's really awesome to just listen to their play and the are soooo happy and have so, so much fun. I love it.

        If I find they are tiring of the free play time, I always have back-up ideas for a transition.

        Sounds to me like you have a good set up and are doing a great job.

