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Teaching Children about Honesty with Jamaica's Find

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  • Teaching Children about Honesty with Jamaica's Find

    Submitted by Sarah Morris, on behalf of Primrose Schools. Provide your child with the best in preschools by choosing Primrose.

    Abstract ideas like honesty and integrity may be difficult for children to grasp. Children’s literature can help parents and educators discuss these topics in a way that children can understand. When children can identify with a literary character, they learn from the actions and consequences of that character’s choices. When this happens, the abstract becomes concrete.

    Jamaica’s Find by Juanita Havill is an excellent book choice for teaching children about the benefits of honesty. Children will identify with Jamaica who finds a stuffed dog on the playground and decides to take it home even though it is not hers. Children will learn about consequences as Jamaica comes to realize that she has chosen poorly in deciding to keep the dog, and about the benefits of making the right choice when Jamaica decides to take the dog to the lost and found.

    To use Jamaica’s Find as a discussion starter, parents and educators can engage their children by asking them questions such as:

    • What do you think would have happened if Jamaica had turned the dog into the lost and found right away?

    • Have you ever found something that you knew didn’t belong to you, but you really wanted to keep it? What did you do? What happened then?

    • Have you ever lost something? How did that make you feel? How would you have felt if you found out someone found it, but did not attempt to return it to you?

    By asking the children to relate Jamaica’s story to their own life, educators and parents can help them attain greater understanding of the book’s basic concepts. The conversation about the book can be directed in a way that reinforces the lesson they wish to teach.

    Jamaica’s Find is a great book for parents and teachers to use in teaching children about honesty and making good choices. The story is easy to relate to and most children will find it relevant. Educators and parents can also use Jamaica’s Find to introduce other concepts such as empathy, social responsibility and awareness, love and friendship and multiculturalism.