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Best Books For Babies!

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  • Best Books For Babies!

    Despite the fact that I am an avid reader and bibliophile, we didn't have that many GREAT books for DD when she was an infant. We had the usual suspects (those "Happy Baby [whatever]" books, Goodnight Moon, Touch and Feel [whatever], etc) but not a huge variety. Since every Christmas my DD gets a "box of books", I'm wondering for my (then) 6 mo DS...what are the BEST books for babies?
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    In addition to the ones you mentioned, Global Babies is a big hit here. The youngers also enjoy Brown Bear Brown Bear and Baa Baa Black Sheep (I sing it instead of read).


    • #3
      Our favorites....

      Sandra Boynton. "The going to bed book" I will know this book by heart for the rest of my life.

      "Where's spot" A lift the flap book.... the answer on every page is "no", so babies love that. "Look, Look" I kissed the baby


      • #4
        Thanks for the suggestions!

        We have "I Kissed the Baby!" I LOVE THAT ONE! I didn't mention it because no one else ever knows what it is, .

        I actually just found the Global Babies book during an Amazon search tonight--actually it was one in a similar vein/by the same people called Carry Me, which is perfect since we are a babywearing family.
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          My son's FAVORITE book when he was little was a little board book that is just titled "School Bus". He was AMAZED with school buses. =]
          I found it on Amazon.
          Here is the link:


          • #6
            I have a one-year-old daughter whose favorite activity is reading. Her favorite books are "Where's Spot," Elmo's World "Babies" and "Puppies" (any Sesame St. Book, really, which is funny because she has never seen the show), "Baby Bear, Baby Bear," and "Teddy Bears: A First Picture Book." I highly recommend checking into Dolly Patron's Imagination Library. If it is available in your area, you get a free, high-quality book for your child every month until they turn 5. We've been getting them for almost a year now and it's amazing.

