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OT: Cloth Diapers

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  • Max
    For everyone obsessed with the BumGenius 5.0 diapers - is it the cover or insert (or both) that you love so much?


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  • Blackcat31
    Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
    I have every color and print except the Easters, Fearless (black), Osa (I've been hunting for the perfect symmetrical bum), Austin and Equiano. I'm not even joking.

    I keep justifying keeping a lot of the "boy" colors and prints because girls can pretty much wear any color (like Glimmer, Baseball, the greens and blues etc). Right now I could probably part with Chaplain, Spence, Sierpinski, Top Hat (symmetrical), Chico, Albert (I have both prints; with and without baby), Irwin (I have both; green snaps only, multi colored snaps) and probably even Jules as much as it's tearing my heart up to say it.
    My obsessed mom is having trouble too....she's pregnant with number #2 and praying it's a girl. ONLY because she said she'd have to put away half her collection because they are girly prints.... like you said, she said girls can wear all the prints ::

    I don't know if they will have any more after this one as they tried for 6 yrs to get #1 and almost 2 yrs before becoming pregnant with #2 so I don't know but I do know she has spent a small fortune on diapers. ::

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  • MarinaVanessa
    Originally posted by happymom View Post
    HAHA, what have you got?
    I have every color and print except the Easters, Fearless (black), Osa (I've been hunting for the perfect symmetrical bum), Austin and Equiano. I'm not even joking.

    I keep justifying keeping a lot of the "boy" colors and prints because girls can pretty much wear any color (like Glimmer, Baseball, the greens and blues etc). Right now I could probably part with Chaplain, Spence, Sierpinski, Top Hat (symmetrical), Chico, Albert (I have both prints; with and without baby), Irwin (I have both; green snaps only, multi colored snaps) and probably even Jules as much as it's tearing my heart up to say it.

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  • happymom
    Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
    My 3 yo is leaving cloth behind and I need to start destashing the boy prints and colors and it's seriously eating away at me.
    HAHA, what have you got?

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  • MarinaVanessa
    Another vote here for BumGenius. I like the pocket diapers because after washing I can throw the inserts into the dryer for fast drying and the diapers are much thinner than the AIO's so they line dry super fast.

    I'm the mom that Blackcat described . I have a HUGE stash of prints and solids and most of them are the rare harder to find ones. A few are even symmetrical and if a diaper came in different versions (two different snap colors, slight pattern variation etc) I got them both. I scoured and hunted for many of them. I'm addicted.

    I tried AIO's (all in ones) but didn't care for them in any brand. Took too long to dry to my liking.

    I did like using covers and prefolds or fitted diapers and that was pretty fantastic. Dry time is almost non existent since there isn't any padding on the cover and you can throw most prefolds and fitteds into the dryer so all you have to line dry are the covers which can be done inside pretty quickly. You only change the prefold/fitted and reuse the same cover a few times until the outside gets wet or #2 gets on it which cuts down on laundry. I didn't like that though because I like changing my kiddos into different diaper colors patterns ::. You don't need as many covers, just plenty of prefolds/fitteds. I loved the double gusset on the Rumparooz best but I used different brands just for the sake of cute patterns.

    My 3 yo is leaving cloth behind and I need to start destashing the boy prints and colors and it's seriously eating away at me.

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  • Madeline
    I've loved every diaper I've bought from Happy Endings ECO Diapers.
    And she usually runs specials or sales. Her customer service is top notch and the diapers are better than any of the fancier name brands I've had.

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  • happymom
    If I could start all over I would go with grovia AIO (and ONES for overnight) or best bottoms AI2 system.

    I am a cloth fanatic. =D

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  • MotherNature
    I like Alva, Super cheap, their factory as far as I can tell, is not a sweatshop, cute patterns. Plus, they have a couple different sizes to work for skinnier or chunkier babies. Our other fave is Bumgenius. I love all of their styles. AIO, pocket, etc/

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  • Alwaysgreener
    Charlie Banana

    My DCM makes her own cloth diapers.

    I used Alva baby but their quality went down hill since then.

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  • laundrymom
    My D.C. Fam uses Charlie something's. They're ok I guess but
    I'm looking to buy as a gift for someone and want to know the true best/worst. Etc.

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  • daycarediva
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    Another vote for Bumgenius! I love the Original 5.0

    I have a DCM that is obsessed!

    She "collects" prints and colors and of course the special editions. She says she spends hours arranging and rearranging her "collection" in the correct rainbow order.

    She belongs to groups and clubs on the internet just for other Bumgenius addicts. ::

    My personal favorites that she has are some of the special/limited edition prints such as:
    The Albert
    The Alicia
    The Harper

    LOL! You can even download a print chart so you can track your collection of already own, need to own and want to own...! ::
    Original 5.0! I have two dck's in them now. I honestly prefer them to disposables. I LOVE THEM. I used the old style on ALL of my kids. They went through my three boys AND my foster son, never having to buy another size diaper, or replacing a single one. The pockets are just like disposables, no worrying about wool covers or folding, etc.

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  • TheMisplacedMidwestMom
    Happy Hieny's, one size, hook and loop.

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  • Crazy Baby
    My favorite is the Flip system. I think they are made by the same company who makes Bum Genius.

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  • Blackcat31
    Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
    Another vote for Bumgenius! I love the Original 5.0

    I have a DCM that is obsessed!

    She "collects" prints and colors and of course the special editions. She says she spends hours arranging and rearranging her "collection" in the correct rainbow order.

    She belongs to groups and clubs on the internet just for other Bumgenius addicts. ::

    My personal favorites that she has are some of the special/limited edition prints such as:
    The Albert
    The Alicia
    The Harper

    LOL! You can even download a print chart so you can track your collection of already own, need to own and want to own...! ::

    bumGenius Original One-Size Pocket Diapers are the very first cloth diapers in the bumGenius family, released in 2005. This best-selling cloth diaper features our 3x3 snap size adjustment technique, gentle stretchy tabs, a soft inner suede cloth, and a wide covered pocket to provide an adjustable fit for nearly every b

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  • laundrymom
    Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
    Wow. So many choices.
    Which do you suggest?

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