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Potty Training Spots

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  • Potty Training Spots

    I have a nice, little nook in a corner between my kitchen/dining room (they're open to each other) that I have been putting my daughter's potty to potty train her. It's a good spot where I can see her whether I'm in the kitchen or playroom. There's an open wall behind it that I have a poster and she gets a sticker when she goes. And we have a step stool in the kitchen that she climbs up to and washes her hands when she's done.

    I know it's my daughter, so I can train her where it is convenient for our family, but do you think this will be an issue for daycare parents? I can easily fit 2 potties in this spot and would be able to keep an eye on other kids, when I have them.

    I have chose to keep the potty there for the convenient location of it, but also because my elderly grandmother lives with us and is often in the bathroom. You can tell an older child, just hold on one more minute while so and so comes out of the bathroom. But that's not convenient when training a 2 year old that sometimes that has to go RIGHT THEN! KWIM?

    My friend keeps her potty in the laundry room off of their kitchen, but just wondering if I'm the only provider who doesn't train IN the bathroom?

  • #2
    Personally, I always train in the bathroom, on the toilet wth a potty seat attached. I have never used the small potty chairs, as I don't see the point in transitioning. Just do it one way from the start. I think if you explain to parents why you potty train the way you do they should be fine with it.


    • #3
      Personally, I always train in the bathroom, on the toilet wth a potty seat attached. I have never used the small potty chairs, as I don't see the point in transitioning. Just do it one way from the start. I think if you explain to parents why you potty train the way you do they should be fine with it.


      • #4
        One reason for using the small potty chair is to be able to see the small successes left in the bowl.


        • #5
          I'm training my son right now and we have a potty chair in the living room. He gets a little intimidated by the bathroom and doesn't want to be alone in there. Plus if I'm in there with him, who knows what the others are up to

          If I sit him down in the living room on the small potty and give him a book (or if it's during video time) he's more likely to sit there for longer cuz he's distracted. As long as your DD can transition to the big potty when the time comes, and she feels no shame with sitting there, I don't see a problem with her learning on a potty chair where you are able to watch her and do your job at the same time!

