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Navy Child Development Home

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  • Navy Child Development Home


    I am hoping to start a child care in my home soon!! I am a military wife and we are living in military housing. I was told that because we DO live in government housing we have to obide by Navy Child Development home "Rules" only and not state licensing rules.

    Does anyone have any information? I will be attending "orientation/meeting" for this in about 2 weeks, and I am just so excited I cant wait to hear all the rules and how to get started, so thats why I am search for some info now.

    I know that "navy" and "state" have different rules, as far as ratio's, and hours of operation..or so i have been told...I am only allowed 6 children total (navy), and i believe through the state of CA I can have up to 8 for the first year then 14 I believe. Also, through the navy I have to be available 24 hours a day!!

    I would like to find out, if I have to be both state and navy certified..and if i do get state certified, Do I follow the rules of the state or the navy? If I get certifed through the navy, do they set my "rates/tuition" for childcare? Do they write up their own contract or do I?

    Any information will be greatly appreciated!! Sorry this was so long.

    Thanks so much!!

  • #2
    Military Childcare

    I was licenced through post in SC. The class that you are about to take will tell you everything you need to know. I do know though that you are allowed to only have 6. Counting your own kids under a certain age(7 maybe?) You can have the larger number off post. But you would have to live off post. You can not have more than 6 on post. I have found that if you live in an area that allows a very large amount of children the pay is not as well, but on post they have a set price. Which is good in some places and bad in others. I think it is different at each post. I found them to be very helpful and they can lend you stuff that you might need for starting out. Things like first aid kits, fire extiguishers, changing pads,toys and sometimes shelves and other things. Good luck.


    • #3
      I only know information of what I have been told by a friend that has a dc on a post. It is horrible the rules and regs you have to go thru. She even had issues with the administrator walking into her home without knocking on a day she had called in and said she was closed due to her own children and herself being sick. She had just gotten out of the shower and was in a towel, heard someone walk in with out knocking.......

      Many other issues with this too. You may want to think twice about this from what I have heard you have to go thru to get licensed.


      • #4
        More info

        When you mentioned the bad points I remembered some of the strange rules. One was no coloring pages, it had to be original artwork. You have to take the children outside a couple of times a day rain or shine. :-) Well maybe once. They can come over anytime. But I have never heard of them just walking in. I would lock my door! For the food program you could not have the same food item two days in a row. Like you can't have apple sauce on monday and sliced apples on tuesday. Strange things like that.


        • #5
          Yea, the stories I have heard are crazy. It would take a queen of a privider to deal with that group. I could never do it. Funny how it is supposed to be a home business, yet some are governed so much and told how to run their own personal business, yet these same governing entities refuse to give sick days, insurance, benefits of any kind.

          Now I am all for a logical responsible list of things to follow, but much of it has gone way too far.


          • #6
            I was an FCC provider while stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. Some of the rules are different then what you would think they should be. Each post is also very different. The all have to follow the Army standards but SOP's (standard operating procedures) can change from installation to installation, at least I can tell from being here (we are now living off base at Ft Sill, OK). I am currently in the process of becoming a HOP home (which is homes off post, but still follow army standards and get paid for the extended care but have to have a state license also). If you would like to know anything you may email me my email address is ......I know this is an older post but I am new to the forum and was browsing.

            Adding: You are not under the gov't but you are. They set the regulations but they will not provide sick days, paid vacation or anything like that.


            • #7
              Originally posted by mac60 View Post
              Yea, the stories I have heard are crazy. It would take a queen of a privider to deal with that group. I could never do it. Funny how it is supposed to be a home business, yet some are governed so much and told how to run their own personal business, yet these same governing entities refuse to give sick days, insurance, benefits of any kind.

              Now I am all for a logical responsible list of things to follow, but much of it has gone way too far.
              If you think Daycare is rough on rules and regs, you should try trucking once. The rule book is THOUSANDS of pages long from the Feds, and then each state has their own set of rules also.

              Daycare is a breeze comparatively to many industries.

              Being that you're on post, the state rules do not apply, military posts are considered "Reservations" and are a nation unto themselves when it comes to regulations and rules. The state licensing boards have no power, authority or jurisdiction there.
              Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


              • #8
                You still have to get your lic. with the state even if you get it with Navy. They have some rules you have to follow which are a little more strict than state. (6 kids only with small lic.). In Ca. you have to have a small lic. for a year before they let you apply for large lic. There are special rules you have to follow for a large lic. which are different than a small lic. Small lic. (6-8 kids depending on ages) and large lic. (12-14 depending on ages + you have to have an assisant to have that many children in care). Navy only lets you have 6 with a small and only so many infants (child under 2yrs) navy only children. I don't know about if you can even apply for large lic. with doing Navy. That would be something you would have to ask about. I think if you live on base you have to be with Navy care. Good luck!!

