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Clients Make Me Nervous

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  • Clients Make Me Nervous

    I am not sure what's going on with me but would love some help/advice. I have been in childcare for 10 years and I still hate talking to clients at pick up and drop off. Doesn't matter if it's just friendly banter or if there is a serious topic to discuss I get sick with nervousness and stress. In fact I think the small talk is even worse than the serious talks. I am not that fond of small talk at all. I wait nervously every single morning and evening and I am getting sick of feeling like this. I am normally a very confident person who never shies away from people but this is really bothering me. I just want to feel indifferent about parents coming and going. I am definitely an introvert so maybe this explains it?

    Does anyone else have this issue or am I a total weirdo?!

  • #2
    Could you maybe address the child more instead of the parent, but still be telling the parent what he/she needs to know? Like..."Suzy, there's your mommy. You were a much better listener today. Remember to bring your show and tell tomorrow!" Then quickly smile at the parent.


    • #3
      Thanks Rockgirl! I don't mind addressing the parents at all it's just the feeling of nervousness when I do it. It doesn't matter if I address the parents or the kid, I am still feeling nervous. My husband says he can't tell that I' nervous at all and that I appear very confident so I'm not sure why I have those feelings inside.


      • #4
        I see...well I was going to suggest faking confidence, but it sounds like you've got that down.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rockgirl View Post
          I see...well I was going to suggest faking confidence, but it sounds like you've got that down.
          YES!! I am very good at faking it! It sucks

          Do you feel like this at all or do you feel completely neutral when chatting with clients? Maybe I am normal? Lol. I think it's because I can't really be myself. I have to be somewhat bubbly and happy and I'm not really like that. I am goofy with the kids but I can't really be that way with the parents.


          • #6
            Is it that you have anxiety? If so I suggest talking to your doctor. I have depression, but my worst symptom is anxiety. I didn't realize how bad it was until I finally sucked it up and talked to my doctor about my depression and started meds for it. Life is easier now that I have the meds and I know what it is so when it comes up and I am anxious I can have a pep talk with myself. Not a cure, but it helps.


            • #7
              I'm also an introvert, really really introverted. I suffer from anxiety that reared it's ugly head when I hit my early 40's and started peri-menopause.
              I've never really had issues with dcfs because it's usually one on one. But put me in a group of people I shut right up. I was thinking anxiety like the PP too. Especially if it hasn't been an ongoing thing all your life. Needless to say, I've been on one kind of med. or another since my early 40's.

