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Workshops and Trainings

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  • Workshops and Trainings

    Have you ever attended a training that was too darn short, you wished was an all-day thing?
    I attended a Power Struggles training last night, and the topic was really needed! But what made the whole thing great beyond words, was the speaker, Scott Noyes. He talked a mile a minute so he could fit it all in 2 hours but everyone was engaged, it was completely enjoyable and he put it all into perspective for us. And from his talk, I *got* it! I think I learned more from his training than I have in most.
    I'm in Vt. and I don't know how wide his circle goes but if you ever get a chance to attend one of his trainings, don't miss out!

  • #2
    I LOVE Scott Noyes! He's so engaging and down to earth. I took that training once a few years ago and still think back to it (especially with my almost 10 year old daughter).

    "Just because you're invited, doesn't mean you have to accept the invitation". Valuable lesson when dealing with conflict!


    • #3
      He's from Essex, Vt and used to have a daycare center. He's also doing a 3 part training on brain development which I didn't sign up for but wish I had now. He could talk about slugs and make it fun and interesting.

