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Do I have to count my daughter

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  • Do I have to count my daughter

    Hi do I have to count my one year old as one of my daycare spots? My mom offered to take care of her so I could fill all my spots with paying clients. How does this work if she would be watching her in a separate part of my house? I live in california. Thank you!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Calikate View Post
    Hi do I have to count my one year old as one of my daycare spots? My mom offered to take care of her so I could fill all my spots with paying clients. How does this work if she would be watching her in a separate part of my house? I live in california. Thank you!!
    That's a tricky one. Being on your property they could possibly consider her in your numbers. It's similar to if your dh was home watching her. I'm not sure how CA views that situation. It could be individual to the analyst that day unfortunately.


    • #3
      It depends on licensing regulations for your state. In illinois, they count against you even if they are not home until the age of 12


      • #4
        yes in ca your mom is there caring for your child you child will still count for your numbers and your mother will have to get all of her back ground clearance, TB test and because she will be around the kids all day. ANYONE on the site will be account for in your numbers if they are under the age of 11.

        When my nephew and his mom came to visit, I had to account for my nephew for my daycare. I had my sister finger printed and set up so that she could come to my home.

        I would call and check with your analyst. BUT I am almost 99.9% certain I am correct


        • #5
          Yes, my grandson who lives in my home with his parents and 18 yo sister count in my numbers. Rarely is he here without his sister or mom, but he counts.

          I disagree with daycare, I was told, children who are visiting with an adult and can leave at any time do not count in your numbers. (My gf used to come once a month with her granddaughter to play with my granddaughter.) Actually, I've been told that a child who can leave at any time on their own power do not count in your numbers. I had an inspection when neighborhood children were in my yard playing along with my daycare kids and a bunch of cardboard boxes. The analyst said that was fine as long as the children could leave at any time.


          • #6
            Things are different in each state .
            Here you do not have to count your child if they are in school and 6yrs old .


            • #7
              Originally posted by sharlan View Post
              Yes, my grandson who lives in my home with his parents and 18 yo sister count in my numbers. Rarely is he here without his sister or mom, but he counts.

              I disagree with daycare, I was told, children who are visiting with an adult and can leave at any time do not count in your numbers. (My gf used to come once a month with her granddaughter to play with my granddaughter.) Actually, I've been told that a child who can leave at any time on their own power do not count in your numbers. I had an inspection when neighborhood children were in my yard playing along with my daycare kids and a bunch of cardboard boxes. The analyst said that was fine as long as the children could leave at any time.
              but in my sisters case she cant leave with him. she does not have car.........and she will be staying for a week or so at a time.

              this is what I was told I had to do


              • #8
                Originally posted by daycare View Post
                but in my sisters case she cant leave with him. she does not have car.........and she will be staying for a week or so at a time.

                this is what I was told I had to do
                As we have proven over and over, each analyst does their own thing. When you first said that awhile back, I emailed my analyst about it. He said the key word was "visiting".


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Calikate View Post
                  Hi do I have to count my one year old as one of my daycare spots? My mom offered to take care of her so I could fill all my spots with paying clients. How does this work if she would be watching her in a separate part of my house? I live in california. Thank you!!
                  I'm in CA and even your own children count in your ratios as long as they are on the property. I just recently emailed my analyst and asked about this and turns out my 9yo (turns 10 in December) counts against my ratios even if my husband is home and they stay upstairs. Once they turn 10 your own kids don't count against your ratios anymore.

                  I found the regulation.
                  Title 22
                  102416.5 STAFFING RATIO AND CAPACITY
                  (a) The capacity specified on the license shall be the maximum number of children for whom care can be provided.
                  (b) For a small family child care home, the maximum number of children for whom care shall be provided, including children under age 10 who live in the licensee's home, shall be one of the following:
                  (1) Four infants; or
                  (2) Six children, no more than three of whom may be infants; or
                  (3) Health and Safety Code Section 1597.44 states:
                  A small family day care home may provide care for more than six and up to eight children, without an additional adult attendant, if all of the following conditions are met:
                  (A) At least two of the children are at least six years of age.
                  (B) No more than two infants are cared for during any time when more than six children are cared for.
                  (C) The licensee notifies each parent that the facility is caring for two additional schoolage children and that there may be up to seven or eight children in the home at one time.
                  (D) The licensee obtains the written consent of the property owner when the family day care home is operated on property that is leased or rented.

