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Monday Crankies

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  • Unregistered
    Guest replied

    that's everyday for me around here, mind you we are outside by 8-830am daily, weather providing,

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  • Shell
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    They are ALWAYS cranky on Monday! I love Mondays!Eat lunch at 10:45a.m.,diaper change,everyone asleep by 11:30a.m.-3:30p.m. Best day ever!
    I read your post this morning , and thought, that's a great plan. I tried an earlier lunch/nap since I was dealing with a house full of cranky kids. Oh, did it ever backfire on me!!! Only 1 out of 5 actually napped (my own). Dcb 3 no nap, dcb 18 months 35 minute nap, dcg 5 months 20 minute nap all day!!! Dcb 4 no nap. What a rough day today was- they were all falling to pieces this afternoon, and so was I! Maybe this will work another day as it sounds really good to have an early day!

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  • Shell
    Originally posted by taylorw1210 View Post
    I'm cranky today because a dcm who planned on placing her boy in a private pre-k changed her mind a few months ago, and we planned on him going to a public pre-k with my own son and another dcb. As a result, I had to give notice to 2 part time kids to keep his spot open for the fall (because of new full-time additions I had starting this month), and went through many, many hoops to get school transportation for the 3 boys. Well she walked in this morning and told me she thinks she's going to start the boy at the original private pre-k this Wednesdays because she feels bad that she didn't let them know he wasn't coming, and they have his name on all the things, and he has the same teachers as his older sibling did for pre-k.

    I am very annoyed, to say the least... because I've turned down multiple inquiries and have had to tell current families no to referrals, AND I had to give notice to 2 PT kids to keep this little boy! And now he may be leaving anyways.

    Wow! She's put you in a really bad position. Don't let her off the hook- Is she giving you two weeks pay as notice? I would be fuming. Some parents really only care about themselves and take our income into no consideration.

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  • taylorw1210
    Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
    I've read on here of providers doing Monday Morning Movie to help with Monday morning crankiness.
    These kids get run rampant all weekend and yanked out of bed Monday morning and are exhausted upon arrival. Some nappers are not allowed to nap over the weekend and it catches up with them.
    Monday Morning Movie is a great way to get them a little extra rest before their week.

    I've even heard of providers doing a full hour of rest time on Monday mornings, or after a 3 day weekend.
    We do Monday Morning Movie - it's optional, but most kids choose to watch it. The others are free to play in the play room, but the ones who choose the rest and watch the movie definitely need it.

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  • taylorw1210
    I'm cranky today because a dcm who planned on placing her boy in a private pre-k changed her mind a few months ago, and we planned on him going to a public pre-k with my own son and another dcb. As a result, I had to give notice to 2 part time kids to keep his spot open for the fall (because of new full-time additions I had starting this month), and went through many, many hoops to get school transportation for the 3 boys. Well she walked in this morning and told me she thinks she's going to start the boy at the original private pre-k this Wednesdays because she feels bad that she didn't let them know he wasn't coming, and they have his name on all the things, and he has the same teachers as his older sibling did for pre-k.

    I am very annoyed, to say the least... because I've turned down multiple inquiries and have had to tell current families no to referrals, AND I had to give notice to 2 PT kids to keep this little boy! And now he may be leaving anyways.

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  • DaisyMamma
    Originally posted by CraftyMom View Post
    I love the Monday morning movie idea!

    I was a bit cranky this morning. Waiting for dcg to arrive (an hour earlier than everyone else) waiting and waiting...she arrived 15 minutes before the others. Ugh I could have slept longer! Up early and waiting on a Monday!

    They pay me more for the earlier time, but annoying when I'm up and waiting for nothing!
    That irritates me beyond belief!
    I have learned that I need to either ask every day when I should expect them in the morning or just not take early arrivers.
    Even when I ask they tend to show 15-20min late. I have only one early drop off and I won't ever take another, regardless of extra $.

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  • CraftyMom
    I love the Monday morning movie idea!

    I was a bit cranky this morning. Waiting for dcg to arrive (an hour earlier than everyone else) waiting and waiting...she arrived 15 minutes before the others. Ugh I could have slept longer! Up early and waiting on a Monday!

    They pay me more for the earlier time, but annoying when I'm up and waiting for nothing!

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  • DaisyMamma
    I've read on here of providers doing Monday Morning Movie to help with Monday morning crankiness.
    These kids get run rampant all weekend and yanked out of bed Monday morning and are exhausted upon arrival. Some nappers are not allowed to nap over the weekend and it catches up with them.
    Monday Morning Movie is a great way to get them a little extra rest before their week.

    I've even heard of providers doing a full hour of rest time on Monday mornings, or after a 3 day weekend.

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  • DaveA
    First day of school so I had 1 at the window wanting the bus to hurry up and get here, 1 mad because Mom didn't take him to school, and 1 acting like a condemned man being led to the gallows. Boy am I glad school is starting.

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  • Unregistered
    Guest replied
    They are ALWAYS cranky on Monday! I love Mondays!Eat lunch at 10:45a.m.,diaper change,everyone asleep by 11:30a.m.-3:30p.m. Best day ever!

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  • hope
    I'm cranky today...been saying that a lot lately so really need to do something about it. Lol! Sad that the summer is coming to an end and the dcp's want to squeeze every last minute out of me. I can only do so much.

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  • Meyou
    I have one refusing to speak, one speaking way too much and one who is only using words to tell others what to do. Oh....and one crying in bed because it's morning nap time and he's been home for a week.

    I do have one playing happily.

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  • BumbleBee
    started a topic Monday Crankies

    Monday Crankies

    Put 2.5 yo dcb's water cup on the water cup shelf and he ran off to have a full blown tantrum about it.

    My coffee isn't strong enough this morning, can I have a tantrum about that?

    Anybody else dealing with Monday morning crankies?