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Jekyll and Hyde

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  • Jekyll and Hyde

    I posted about the dcg I was having issues with all last week. Dcm made an appointment for her after I insisted. She needs to see a specialist so that appointment is not till the end of the week. Dcg wasn't eating for me, slept a lot and was crying and screaming all day. II don't know if it was due to physical or emotional issues. I had a talk with mom n said I would let her sleep if needed and would call for pick up if she didn't eat or couldn't play due to excessive Screaming.
    Fast forward to today and I ask how dcg was over the weekend. Dcm said she was an angle.....Ate fine, slept normal amount of time and was in a great mood. I find it hard to believe there was such a drastic change. So dcg came in didn't want breakfast and walked straight to her crib. She has now been sleeping for over 3 hours. I suspect she will sleep another 2 hours as she did last week, wake up and refuse to eat lunch.
    Do you find parents telling you things are fine at home when you suspect they are not? I feel like the blame is being put on me. I was happy in my decision last week to put the child's problem in the parents hands instead of guessing and worrying with no relief. But now I feel like dcm will react badly because she says the child doesn't act like this at home.

  • #2
    As some of the gals on here say - it doesn't matter what happens at home, only that it *is* happening at your home.

    Some parents fudge and say it's not when it is. Sometimes it truly isn't. Regardless, if it is happening for you, then something needs to be done.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Play Care View Post
      As some of the gals on here say - it doesn't matter what happens at home, only that it *is* happening at your home.

      Some parents fudge and say it's not when it is. Sometimes it truly isn't. Regardless, if it is happening for you, then something needs to be done.


      • #4
        The environment at home is totally different than the environment at daycare so of course the behavior is going to be totally different too.

        In this case though, I think DCM is lying to you.


        • #5
          oh yeah. that happens ALLLLLLLL the time. the "he/she is fine at home" is just a quick and easy phrase that makes parents feel better about doing nothing to address an issue. I would do what you are doing, send home if her needs or behaviors become disruptive to the group. What sort of specialist are we talking here?


          • #6
            All the time! Though it usually relates to how well a child sleeps over the weekend with no nap. I also find it when they are in denial about a sickness, or if it involves effort on their part (potty training, weaning from a bottle). I just nod and go about my day ::


            • #7
              Constantly! Pookie pie is fantastic, flawless, perfect, at home and a hell raiser at daycare. This is my dilemma with my sister/nephew right now. He's a holy terror some days and she literally doesn't believe me and had even accused me of lying/exaggerating because he's so perfect at home.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Wednesday View Post
                Constantly! Pookie pie is fantastic, flawless, perfect, at home and a hell raiser at daycare. This is my dilemma with my sister/nephew right now. He's a holy terror some days and she literally doesn't believe me and had even accused me of lying/exaggerating because he's so perfect at home.
                I am sure your nephew is perfect at home because Mom caters to his every whim...
                Also, how can he misbehave when she has no rules for him? Just saying.

                OP, I think that Mom is lying. Or else she is also catering to that child's every little whim.


                • #9
                  Different rules and expectations at home than at daycare.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
                    I am sure your nephew is perfect at home because Mom caters to his every whim...
                    Also, how can he misbehave when she has no rules for him? Just saying.

                    OP, I think that Mom is lying. Or else she is also catering to that child's every little whim.
                    Nail.On.Head. Lol


                    • #11
                      Last week dcg was off and dcm left in tears thinking something was so wrong. Today she has every excuse in the book....teething, up late, sad. Dcg took a 5 hour nap this morning and I finally woke her bc I wanted her to eat something. I don't see this ending well. Dcm is hiding something.


                      • #12
                        At drop off this morning dcm said that dcg didn't sleep well last night and that she will be tired now because now she is off schedule. This is her way of telling me this is all my fault. ...again. I responded by saying "hopefully we will know more once you see the doctor".
                        Am I wrong for letting dcg sleep? I have tried other days and she is just so tired and grumpy and tries to find a place to nap.

