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Christmas Is So Close!

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  • Josiegirl
    My kids are all grown up now but just thinking back oh maybe 17 years ago, when one of my dds was making out her 'Dear Santa' list, at the top of it was school supplies. Back then Santa left one special gift, the rest came from mom and dad, etc. So the one gift she got that year was a tackle box filled to the brim with school supplies. She was in sheer ecstasy.

    As for the daycare, I'm still struggling with that one. In the past, I've always gotten them a book with something else, such as pjs or a homemade fleece blanket. I think this year I'm still giving them a book and maybe a toy geared towards what they enjoy doing here. I usually try to spend about 20. on each dck.
    My own kids this year....haha what else do 21 and 23 yo starving college students want besides money and/or gift cards? And my ds is 32... sigh... gone are the days when Christmas was a time of enchantment and surprises.

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  • MrsSteinel'sHouse
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    I love the idea of giving time.

    Going somewhere special such as a weekend get away, a dinner date, a movie etc...

    ALL things that include face time with their parent.....which every kid needs more of.

    Great idea Scout!
    I was going to say for my own kids when they were little a lot of times we gave them things other than toys, movie tickets or activity. We really do not do a big Christmas here. I tried to give them something that they wanted that would stay in their room and not to be shared. So a special baby doll or toy. I would get games that we would play as a family instead of a daycare item.

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  • Blackcat31
    Originally posted by Scout View Post
    As for your own kids, have you thought about a weekend away at an indoor waterpark or great hotel with lots of stuff to do? We recently went to Great Wolf Lodge with ours and had a blast!! I dont think they would mind if you gave them the gift of memories along with small gifts. I am at a loss with our boys too(5 and 2) but, I think I may get the little guy a swing set. We had to take ours down last year because bees were going in it. I am also thinking of the waterpark again! My 5 yo LOVES the big slides and is now tall enough for aot of them that he wasn't in the summer!!
    I love the idea of giving time.

    Going somewhere special such as a weekend get away, a dinner date, a movie etc...

    ALL things that include face time with their parent.....which every kid needs more of.

    Great idea Scout!

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  • Scout
    Originally posted by DaycareMom View Post
    So I was wondering what you all do as far as Christmas gifts for DCKs.

    Usually I give them an inexpensive $5-$10 gift. This year was thinking to get them all slippers (to stay here) for them to get from the house to the garage without having to put on shoes as our garage is the play area and perhaps a combined gift for the daycare. What do you think of this idea?

    Also, I am at a loss as to what to get for my own children (boy3, and girl5). Since we have the daycare, it seems like they have EVERYTHING!
    As for your own kids, have you thought about a weekend away at an indoor waterpark or great hotel with lots of stuff to do? We recently went to Great Wolf Lodge with ours and had a blast!! I dont think they would mind if you gave them the gift of memories along with small gifts. I am at a loss with our boys too(5 and 2) but, I think I may get the little guy a swing set. We had to take ours down last year because bees were going in it. I am also thinking of the waterpark again! My 5 yo LOVES the big slides and is now tall enough for aot of them that he wasn't in the summer!!

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  • Scout
    I really like the slippers too. And the Scholastic book idea.

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  • Scout
    Originally posted by MsLaura529 View Post
    That is so sad I'm sorry that your thoughtfulness went un-appreciated.
    me too last year. I bought them all a $10 truck or plane since I had all boys then and not one family mentioned it. I dont know if they just fogot since I didnt let them open them here. But,I would have said it before leaving. :confused:

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  • TwinKristi
    Originally posted by melilley View Post
    Interesting, Jr Preschool? I would not get a gift for the child who is leaving early, especially because you know why they are leaving before Christmas.
    Ha! Yeah "Jr preschool"... Pretty lame if you ask me. He's sooooo not ready. Every day I bite my tongue when I see his behavior wondering how on earth someone could think that's a good idea. Basically it's daycare with an educational theme. He'll go from 7:15am to 4:30pm. He is a super picky eater, horrible sharer, throws temper tantrums all the time over silly things, hits, spits, spits his food out, spits his milk out, is sick more often than not... It just makes me feel bad for him. He's been here since he was 8mos old after she took him out of his previous provider because she was closing for 2wks and went from a small to a large daycare and he wasn't getting as much attention to sleep. Her daughter was in a home daycare from 3 mos to 3yrs and now she's pulling her son before he's even 2?? Ugh!! I must have really made her mad or something.
    But thanks for agreeing, I feel bad in my heart though. I hate that this is even happening, breaks my heart!

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  • KidGrind
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    I close between Christmas and New Years. I have no idea what the DCK's will be getting for Christmas as I don't do anything for them in regards to the holiday and gift giving.

    We do collect something for a designated charity or organization each year and instead of supporting the "gimme gimme" behavior of kids now days, I teach them to give back to the community instead.

    This year, our organization of choice is our local animal shelter. Families are asked to donate money and/or supplies from a list of items the shelter needs or could use such as pet food, bedding, toys, leashes, bowls, etc...
    I really like this idea.

    I’ll buy each of my full-time kids a gift. I think an educational toy for the infants and something fun & loud for the toddler.

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  • melilley
    Originally posted by TwinKristi View Post
    This is actually something I've been thinking about... I have a family who's been here over a year but pulling their 23 month old to attend Jr Preschool. They've scheduled their last day to be the 20th, even though I'm open the 23rd which I know is to avoid paying for my time off on the 25th. I would normally buy gifts for the DCKs but I almost feel like since they're leaving before Christmas that they shouldn't get a gift! They've really left me in a bind considering our prior communications always were him leaving to go to preschool at 2.5-3.5, not before he's even 2! They gave me lots of notice, but it was still a huge shock. I haven't been able to fill his spot either.

    For the one DCB I do have here I was going to buy something small, like PJs or a book or a little Duplo Lego set to go with the one I bought for his bday.
    Interesting, Jr Preschool? I would not get a gift for the child who is leaving early, especially because you know why they are leaving before Christmas.

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  • TwinKristi
    This is actually something I've been thinking about... I have a family who's been here over a year but pulling their 23 month old to attend Jr Preschool. They've scheduled their last day to be the 20th, even though I'm open the 23rd which I know is to avoid paying for my time off on the 25th. I would normally buy gifts for the DCKs but I almost feel like since they're leaving before Christmas that they shouldn't get a gift! They've really left me in a bind considering our prior communications always were him leaving to go to preschool at 2.5-3.5, not before he's even 2! They gave me lots of notice, but it was still a huge shock. I haven't been able to fill his spot either.

    For the one DCB I do have here I was going to buy something small, like PJs or a book or a little Duplo Lego set to go with the one I bought for his bday.

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  • melilley
    I lovethis your slipper idea! Kids love them too!
    This is my first Christmas with dck's so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Maybe steal your idea....

    I think I'm going to have them make a gift for their parents and just give them something little, but I'm definitely going to shop after Christmas and get little gifts for next year! I also like BC's idea of donating.

    I too am having a hard time figuring out what to get my own 1 yo ds. I know what you mean, between gifts from family, daycare toys and his personal toys, it seems like so much! Now my 10 yo dd, she's easier because she's older.

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  • sahm1225
    I was also hoping for ideas. We usually Have Santa come to our Christmas party and hand out gifts so it has to be something that is unisex..

    I like the play doh idea!

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  • melilley
    I lovethis your slipper idea! Kids love them too!
    This is my first Christmas with dck's so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Maybe steal your idea....

    I think I'm going to have them make a gift for their parents and just give them something little, but I'm definitely going to shop after Christmas and get little gifts for next year!

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  • mema
    Typically I spend around $15 for each child (I usually have 4-5 kiddos) and they make something for the parents. This year was a horrible year financially for about the first 9 months and we are slowly coming back. I have a lot of fabric on hand and books that have never been looked at, so I think I am making them all a "library bag" and putting a book in it.

    I think it's a great idea to get a daycare gift that stays at daycare. Something new and exciting to share with their friends! As for your own, I am no help there. My own are hard enough since everything they want is spendy (or at least in my opinion). Maybe get a special book, pj's, movie, blanket, favorite snack and stick it all in a bucket or basket with a coupon book filled with coupons for a one on one book session, family movie night, pj Saturday, or something along those lines. My kids loved that kind of stuff when they were younger.

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  • MsLaura529
    Originally posted by WImom View Post
    I am giving a scholastic book with a candy cane taped to the front. I don't do gifts for birthday's or Christmas anymore. For the last two years not one thank you so I stopped.
    That is so sad I'm sorry that your thoughtfulness went un-appreciated.

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