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Early Morning Drops..

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  • apick
    For those of you that are willing to take the early birds, more power to you! I could never do it! I have to get up at 5:30-6 as it is, earlier if I want to work out, to be ready for DCK's at 7:30. Most of mine have been coming at 8:30 which is wonderful!! I've had lots of parents call me wanting drop off at 5 or 5:30 am wanting to know what my hours are. Well they are stated clearly in my ad so I always say, sorry I don't open till 7:30 I can't help you. Even an extra $10 a day wouldn't be worth that!

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  • Lorna
    The earliest I did was 6 am. 5:30 I think I would charge the same as a half day. If they really need it then they will pay. If they don't want to pay then they will make other arrangements. 5 bucks to get up that early.

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  • EntropyControlSpecialist
    I don't know if I could work that many hours each week, if other clients left at normal times (5:00/6:00). When I had to work 11 hour days I was always exhausted and felt like all I did was work.

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  • coolconfidentme
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Before being a childcare provider, I worked at a job where I had to be to work at 6:00. I could find no one but one center to watch my child. I even asked friends and no one would do it for me. This center was a life saver for me as I wouldn't have been able to work if I couldn't find childcare.

    Now, I was a serious worker meaning, I never flaked arriving at 5:30. I don't understand the mentality of parents that go into work when they want. So stress that to these parents that if they aren't serious about needing the care, won't arrive when scheduled, switching times and what not then you can't accomodate them. If they are serious, then I say go for it as you will be a lifesaver for them.
    That is why I open at 5:30am..., I'm not here for just me, but all those single moms/dads out there without a support system. I did shift work when my kids were little & totally understand the need. The rate is the same for me.

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  • littlemissmuffet
    Not in a million years! I HATE mornings. I open at 7:30am and even that is a struggle... even though I usually wake up between 7:15 and 7:20

    I MIGHT do it temporarily (2 weeks tops) for a GREAT family... but I would still charge at least $10/day extra.

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  • itlw8
    Not for me.... If I did do that early I would ONLY take families on that schedule and close early Same amount of hours just shifter earlier.

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  • Sunchimes
    I've done it and would do it again. I'm an early bird and have no children at home, so it's no big deal to me. That said, when combined with kids who don't leave until 4 or 5, it makes for a very long day. However, I'm up early, kids or no kids, and the early ones generally go right back to sleep. I think it works best if you are an early bird too.

    I don't charge more for early arrivals. My prices are based on how long the child is here, not how many hours I have to work today. It doesn't seem fair to charge Early Family extra when the kids are only here 8 1/2 hours. It isn't their fault other families work later.

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  • My3cents
    Originally posted by Play Care View Post
    The only way I would do earlier hours would be if I was completely DONE by say, 3:00PM. I have parents who want earlier drop off and say "But we'll pick up earlier!" And to that I always say "But I'll still have six other children here until 5:00 so I'm still working a 12 hour day, one child leaving "early" does not a "break" make!"
    I feel different about this one. One child leaving early does make a break for me. Changes the dynamics of the group. I will say I find that they say they are going to pick up early but never end up doing that. They see all the other kids here and figure it is ok- ugh!!!

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  • Play Care
    Originally posted by Lyss View Post
    Personally I wouldn't do it ever again. I think a big part of my disdain for it is because my most reliable and steady families are here 8 to 530-545 so I was working 12hrs and it was wearing me out. Maybe if I had all early ones and everyone was gone by 430 I would consider it but never again can I do those early drop off families with later pick up ones.
    The only way I would do earlier hours would be if I was completely DONE by say, 3:00PM. I have parents who want earlier drop off and say "But we'll pick up earlier!" And to that I always say "But I'll still have six other children here until 5:00 so I'm still working a 12 hour day, one child leaving "early" does not a "break" make!"

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  • LK5kids
    I also had kids for a few years that came at 5:30 am. They were siblings. I laid them down and they always fell asleep. They got up around 7:00-7:15. They were 2 & 3 yrs old.

    When I reopened after 14 yrs away from FCC I had a friend wanting to bring a newborn at 4:45 am she has to be to work by 5:00. I suppose it would have been earlier even....all I can say is ick!

    I would never take an infant before 7:30........way too much work for so early in the morning!

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  • Lyss
    I normally start my contracted hours as 730 as I am not a morning person but I did make an exception for one family whem DCMs schedule at work changed. DCB was dropped off at 545-6 and honesty after the first 2 days I hated it and wanted to drop them! I managed it for 6 months until DCMs schedule changed again and she needed a 515am drop off, even though DCD wasn't working, I just couldn't do it and they decided to keep DCB home with dad. Even though I hated it I did feel lucky because DCB always fell right back to sleep immediately and didn't wake up right before my next DCK arrived at 8. This mom was really flaky when it came to work (she called in literally at least once a week) but always let me know beforehand so I could sleep in.

    Personally I wouldn't do it ever again. I think a big part of my disdain for it is because my most reliable and steady families are here 8 to 530-545 so I was working 12hrs and it was wearing me out. Maybe if I had all early ones and everyone was gone by 430 I would consider it but never again can I do those early drop off families with later pick up ones.

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  • providerandmomof4
    I have taken some early birds in the past and truthfully....their parents were unreliable with both dck's. I seriously don't understand why they needed dc because they would come sometimes and sometimes not, until I finally termed because it made me so mad that I was doing "special" and they seemed to find other care when it suited them. My dh couldn't understand why it made me mad because I got paid regardless....It's just the nerve of people! One didn't bring her dcg for three weeks...I tried calling calling her; no response. Then one day out of the blue she texts that dcg will be at dc tomorrow. I said, Are you serious? I had to fill her spot! She hasn't been here for three weeks! That's when I learned that I should have sent her term letter in the mail....Wow....

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  • Childminder
    I have children dropped off at all hours, one dcm has to be at work at 5am if they go into overtime and I used to have a mom that had to make the donuts and was at work at 4am. I just have the children go back to bed and have never in all these years had any problems.

    Some parents are encouraged to bring the children at bedtime bathed, pj'd, read them a story and tuck them in. I usually pick and choose whom I let do this and it is appreciated both by the parent, myself, the child and by the teachers if they are SA who have commented on their change of behavior. I have one currently that we do this for that was being a hellion in school and turned around 180 because of the routine.

    Sometimes it is a one time offer like when the parent has a early court date or medical appt or that early morning breakfast meeting. My FTT/cleft baby has appointments at 8am 2.5 hours away so brother is brought in at nite. Anyhow, I ramble... it works for us.

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  • Mom2TLE
    I offer longer hours therefore I have a lot of parents in medical fields, One needed a 5:30 drop off so I would have her bring him dressed for the day but he would just lay down on the couch and go back to sleep until 7-7:30. In our state they don't have to be in sight and he was 4 so I would just get up, let her in then jump in the shower while he slept. I had more coming at 6:30 so it wasn't a big deal to me. I would much prefer early drop off vs late pick up and she was usually off by 2-2:30 She was one of my best moms and even brought me a rose one day after a long day.

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  • Leigh
    Well, bless you for being willing to take them at that time-I am WAY too selfish about my sleep (I wasn't always, and I learned my lesson!).

    As a person who DID drop off at 6AM at daycare, I understand how hard it is to find care at that hour. I can tell you that I DID expect to pay more (a lot more than my provider asked me to pay). Daycare these days is a BARGAIN. I wouldn't hesitate to ask an extra $10 per day, even $15 for a drop off that early. I would have happily paid that, myself.

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