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Starting in a Month! Not Sure Where to Start!

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  • Starting in a Month! Not Sure Where to Start!

    I am thinking about opening my daycare in September. So far I have bought some supplies and almost done with my handbook and policies. What do I do next? I have no one to help me and don't know where to start. Do I get all the materials (toys and equipment) and contracts ready first and then promote my business? Any suggestions on how to start? :confused: Anything helps!! Thank You for your time ladies!

  • #2
    Start promoting your business now. Get business cards and flyers.
    Are you going to get licensed?


    • #3
      Definately start promoting and interviewing - do flyers in the neighborhood, advertise on any free websites / flyers in stores etc - it takes awhile to get families to interview and sign up...

      Are you licensed ? Did you get your license and do all that is required for that ? While promoting etc start shopping..get all supplies - cots / cribs / toys / dishes / art supplies / bibs - everything you can think of.

      All paperwork done - I have A LOT of paperwork I make the families sign - Emergency contacts, health info, baby/child info / contract / sick policy / travel permission / thats all I can think of right now.

      Do you have policies set up ? Get those set up, rates, when payment is due, late fees / hours / what you supply what you want them to bring...

      Lots to do ! Took me between 6-12 months to set up and fully enroll my daycare.


      • #4
        Yes, I am licensed in State of MN. I have bought some things but not done yet. I am almost done with my policies, any other suggestions on starting and interviewing? I'm clueless on what to do, this is so much harder than I thought! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU HELP!!

