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Again? UGH!!!

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  • Again? UGH!!!

    So...after a nice long 4 day break I get all the kido's back...everyone is TIRED AND CRANKY..and the greatest part? 2 have bloodshot eyes. Awesome. Pink eye AGAIN. This will make round #3. *sigh*


  • #2
    Ugg...I know how you's hard to get back into the groove after a longer break.


    • #3
      Originally posted by mainemomma View Post
      So...after a nice long 4 day break I get all the kido's back...everyone is TIRED AND CRANKY..and the greatest part? 2 have bloodshot eyes. Awesome. Pink eye AGAIN. This will make round #3. *sigh*

      Ugh!!! That stinks! Are the bloodshot pink-eyers on medicine yet? If not, I'd send them home right away!


      • #4
        Pink eye SUX!!! I recommend cleaning EVERYTHING......I literally clean every single thing that a child could have possible touched when they were contagious. That means every single toy, every single blanket, every table, lightswitch, doorknob, etc. Then I tell parents to make sure they do the same. Over the years alot of single children have shown up with pink eye, but not once has it ever been spread to another child, because of the cleaning. It's alot of work, but it beats having pink eye return over and over again.

        Good luck, did you send them home?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Crystal View Post
          Pink eye SUX!!! I recommend cleaning EVERYTHING......
          YES YES YES!! Pink eye is so highly contagious! I've only had it appear once in daycare and I had one scare (turned out to be allergies) and both times I sprayed every surface in my downstairs with a bleach/water solution. And I do mean EVRYTHING. Toys, counters, floors, cabinets, tables & chairs etc. And I steamed the carpet and couch and threw all of my DC floormats, blankets and pillows into the washing machine. I sent EVERYBODY home . I have to say that most parents were grateful and immediately took their kiddos to their peds. The only mom that was peeved was DCM with the kid with pink-eye (of course ) because I wouldn't accept him back until I had a doctor's note saying he didn't have it anymore and he wasn't contagious. She tried bringing me a doctor's note but all it said was that he had been to the doctor's to have the pink-eye "treated". Nice try. I turned her away . I HATE pink-eye. Even more than I hate vomit.


          • #6
            There is a thread in the Parents and Gaurdians section regarding safe disinfectant products for the daycare environment that has real killing power over germs and bacteria without being caustic:

            My 2 year old son attends a daycare in Lilburn, GA. Until today, I have been fairly pleased with the facility and he seems to love it. When I went to pick him up this evening, I noticed that there were several bleach marks on the back of his navy blue pants. As annoyed as I am about the pants, I am very upset that he was

