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Inviting DCK to Own kids' Bday?

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  • Inviting DCK to Own kids' Bday?

    Is this weird? We have one little dck who was in preschool with my girls for a few months and now I watch him FT. He's currently the only dck the girls' age and the 3 of them really get along well.

    They are asking if he is coming to their party and I just don't know if it would be ok to invite just him and his family and not my other dck families (both of them are much younger).

    What does everyone think??

  • #2
    I think its fine. My son has 2 daycare boys that are his age and they are very good friends. They actually became best friends through the daycare. They are 8 now and every year since they were 5 they go to each others parties. We don't invite the younger dcks. We don't advertise the party either though so the kids are good at keeping it hush so that they dont hurt anyones feelings.


    • #3
      My daughter invited one of her good friend through daycare for her b-day about 2 or 3 times. I used to watch her when she was 5 years old. I don't think it is weird. Both of them used to be best friend but not anymore. My daughter started dont like her about two years ago because she can't stand her being lied all the time. Also, I think they are still friends, not best friends but her mother and I no longer are friends who owes me money so much. That is sad, I guess!

