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Why A Forum?


  • Why A Forum?

    Our original forum was created in 2007. We started slow but over the next two years were had a lot great members and conversation. I have heard countless times over the years how those looking for like-minded help and guidance in starting a childcare facility, would find comfort and guidance from our experienced member's and their content. I am sure we all helped to create a much better environment for children and the businesses that were enhanced by others in the field.

    That was a time when most visitors came via a desktop computer. I enjoyed having a large screen to immerse into as the room surrounding me seemed to disappear. It seemed a more personal experience.

    Move ahead 14 years later and everyone on-the-go has a smart phone that can do just about anything on-the-fly. While our smart phone is in the palm of our hand, it seems the big screen desktop experience suffers at the expense of moving efficiency. Everything must be crammed into that small space and in doing so makes the websites appear cookie-cutter and redundant. That is why I changed the old forum to this new mobile ready forum. I like it and it transitions to the desktop nicely also.

    I also know that sometime in the near future, we will be wearing our virtual screens as heads-up style glasses. Just like transition lenses that turn clear at darkness and then opaque when bright, these semi-transparent glasses will be hands-free, and the online visuals will take up as much of our vision as we choose. We can have the best experience of both worlds.

    So for the time being, I hope you enjoy the new forum and where it will take us the next 14 years.

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